
Area agencies on aging (AAAs) plan their programs and services to meet the unique needs of the older adults living in their planning and service area. No AAA is the same as another. Each is unique and provides a variety of programs and services. Some of the commonly provided programs and services are included below.

Case Management- Means a service provided to an older individual, at the direction of the older individual or a family member of the individual:

  • by an individual who is trained or experienced in the case management skills that are required to deliver the services and coordination described in subparagraph; and
  • to assess the needs, and to arrange, coordinate, and monitor an optimum package of services to meet the needs, of the older individual; and
  • Includes services and coordination such as—
    • comprehensive assessment of the older individual (including the physical, psychological, and social needs of the individual);
    • development and implementation of a service plan with the older individual to mobilize the formal and informal resources and services identified in the assessment to meet the needs of the older individual, including coordination of the resources and services—
      • with any other plans that exist for various formal services, such as hospital discharge plans; and
      • with the information and assistance services provided under the Older Americans Act;
  • coordination and monitoring of formal and informal service delivery, including coordination and monitoring to ensure that services specified in the plan are being provided;
    • periodic reassessment and revision of the status of the older individual with—
    • the older individual; or
    • if necessary, a primary caregiver or family member of the older individual; and
    • in accordance with the wishes of the older individual, advocacy on behalf of the older individual for needed services or resources.

Respite- A service provided which allows the caregiver time away to do other activities. 

  • In-home Respite-A respite service provided in the home of the caregiver or care receiver and allows the caregiver time away to do other activities.
  • Out-of-Home Respite (day)- A respite service provided in settings other than the caregiver/care receiver’s home, including adult day care, senior center or other non-residential setting (in the case of older relatives raising children, day camps), where an overnight stay does not occur that allows the caregiver time away to do other activities.
  • Out-of-Home Respite (overnight)- A respite service provided in residential settings such as nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and adult foster homes (or, in the case of older relatives raising children, summer camps), in which the care receiver resides in the facility (on a temporary basis) for a full 24 hour period of time. The service provides the caregiver with time away to do other activities. 
  • Adult Day Care/Adult Day Health Programs- Services or activities provided to adults who require care and supervision in a protective setting for a portion of a 24-hour day. Includes out of home supervision, health care, recreation, and/or independent living skills training offered in centers most commonly known as Adult Day, Adult Day Health, Senior Centers, and Disability Day Programs.

Telephone Reassurance- Telephone calls made to homebound participants for socialization and occasional assessments to ensure that the individual is safe and healthy. The staff or volunteers can also make referrals to other programs and services, as needed.

Volunteer Opportunities- The AAAs have volunteer opportunities for older adults. These opportunities may include helping at a senior center, helping deliver home-delivered meals, running family caregiver meetings, helping run an exercise class, making phone calls or visits to homebound participants and so much more.
Personal Emergency Response Services (PERS)- Also known as Medical Emergency Response Systems, let you call for help in an emergency by pushing a button. A PERS has three components: a small radio transmitter, a console connected to your telephone, and an emergency response center that monitors calls.

Social Opportunities/Recreation- Many senior centers offer opportunities for social engagement. This can include playing pool, cards, or other games, exercise programs, quilting or knitting clubs, computer access, and special events for holidays, birthdays, etc.

Others Programs and Services- to learn about other programs and services offered by your local AAA, please contact your local agency at the number below.


Find your local AAA here to learn what services are available in your area. You can also call the Missouri Senior Resource Helpline toll-free at 1-800-235-5503 to be connected with local assistance.


This project was supported, in part by grant number 2201MOOASS, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201.