Organ and Tissue Donor Program

Vision: Optimal health and safety for all Missourians, in all communities, for life.

Mission: To promote health and safety through prevention, collaboration, education, innovation and response.

The Organ and Tissue Donor Program educates the public to bring awareness to the importance of giving life through organ, eye and tissue donation. We are committed to promoting and maintaining a statewide registry, saving lives by providing individuals a means to record their donor designations and providing authorized users registry access. The program is also responsible for administering and maintaining the registry, providing technical support, developing and maintaining partnerships, developing and monitoring contracts, seeking and sharing funding opportunities, monitoring the fund expenditures to ensure they are within spending authority, programmatic planning, license office recognition, community and organizational education and awareness activities, and providing support to the Department Organ Donation Advisory Committee.

Donate Life Missouri Registry

The Organ and Tissue Donor Registry is a statewide, voluntary, confidential registry of organ and tissue donors established by legislation in 2008. It is a first-person consent registry making your decision final unless revoked in a manner provided by law. Before, a family member had to make the final decision, now you are in charge and family consent is no longer required. As an adult (18 years of age or older or an emancipated youth), your decision is legally binding. If you enrolled in Missouri’s registry before August 28, 2008, you will need to enroll again to obtain first person consent status. To remain in the registry, you are strongly encouraged to say “yes”, every time you obtain or renew your instructional permit or driver/non-driver license when asked “Do you consent to be listed in the Donor Registry System as an organ, eye and tissue donor?” By saying "yes", your registry record remains current. If you say yes, you also have the option of a symbol on your license. You will be asked "Do you authorize an Organ Donor Symbol to be placed on your license or permit?" To review legislation passed related to Organ and Tissue Donation and the Missouri Organ and Tissue Donor Registry click here.

