Welcome to WIC
New Missouri WIC card coming May 1, 2025. Click to learn more!
Welcome to Missouri WIC
The Missouri WIC program provides supplemental food, health care referrals, nutrition education and breastfeeding promotion and support to eligible pregnant, breastfeeding and postpartum women, infants and children up to age five. Fathers, grandparents, guardians and foster parents may also apply for benefits for the children living in their household.
Am I eligible?
- Must live in Missouri.
- Income: Household income may be no more than 185% of the federal poverty income guidelines. Go to the income guidelines for more information. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) participants and MO HealthNet participants of income-qualifying MO HealthNet programs are automatically eligible for WIC benefits.
- Pregnant women, women breastfeeding an infant up to the infant’s first birthday, postpartum women up to six (6) months after delivery or end of pregnancy, infants up to their 1st birthday, children up to their 5th birthday.
Individuals who meet income and category guidelines will have a nutrition and health assessment completed during the certification process.
Still unsure? Use the prescreen tool or call a WIC local agency.
Find out more at How do I apply for WIC?
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