Certificate of Need
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Certificate of Need (CON) is an effort to contain costs, improve quality and increase access for many of Missouri's major health care services. This effort was established in Missouri in 1980, motivated by federal Public Law 93-641 as part of the Health Planning and Resource Development Act of 1974.
Services include preparing, reviewing, and revising rules and regulations for use in the analysis of health service applications; conducting special projects and studies on key health issues; and assisting with special project.
Guidance and decision-making is provided by the volunteer Missouri Health Facilities Review Committee in carrying out its functions as the administrator of the Missouri CON Law.
To achieve the highest level of health for Missourians through cost containment, reasonable access, and public accountability.
- Review proposed health care services;
- Contain health costs;
- Promote economic value;
- Evaluate competing interests;
- Prevent unnecessary duplications; and
- Disseminate health-related information to affected parties.