Many MICAs contain a category of variables called ‘Optional Variables'. These variables are often specific to each MICA topic. Therefore, the presence and types of Optional Variables will vary between MICAs.

All Level Users will find the following Optional Variables available for the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) MICA:


his optional variable is available for the Family Relationship only. Each family is given a case number and Adult/Case represents how many parents or spouses are included in each of these cases.


Similar to the optional variable above, Children/Case represents how many members of a given case are designated as children.


Education level is available only for the Adult Relationship. This information is collected in the form of years of education, which is imputed to the following:

0, 99 (unknown) years
(or no education noted)
1-8 years Some grammar school
9-11 years Some high school
12 years High school graduate
13-15 years Some college
16 years= College graduate
17-19 years Post graduate

Time on TANF

Time on TANF is available for the Adult Relationship only. It is recorded as the number of months on TANF.