Non-hospital Live Births per 1,000

Resident live births which were delivered in a non-hospital setting including homes, clinics, ambulances, etc. The rate is per 1,000 resident live births with known birth location.

High Risk Not Delivered in OB Level II/III

Resident live births weight less than 2,000 grams and/or with a gestational age of less than 34 weeks plus all intrapartum fetal deaths in unspecialized facilities. The rate is per 100 Missouri resident high risk deliveries in Missouri facilities.

Cesarean Sections

Resident live births delivered through a cesarean section. The rate is per 100 resident live births with known delivery method.


Resident vaginal live births to women with one or more prior cesarean sections. The rate is per 100 resident live births to women with one or more prior cesarean sections and a known method of delivery.

Fetal Deaths per 1,000

Number of fetuses that dies at or beyond the 20th week of gestation and before expulsion. The rate is per 1,000 resident live births and fetal deaths for the same time period.

Known Pregnancies

Known resident pregnancies (I.e. live births, fetal deaths and induced abortions).

Healthy Live Births/(Known Pregnancies)

Number of resident healthy live births.  A healthy live birth is defined as weighing between 2500 and 4499 grams. The rate is per 100 known resident pregnancies.

Healthy Live Births/(Live Births + Fetal Deaths)

Number of resident live births weight between 2500 and 4499 grams. The rate is per 100 resident live births and fetal deaths.

Abortions/Known Pregnancies

Resident induced abortions. The rate is per 100 known resident pregnancies (live births, fetal deaths, and induced abortions).