Missouri Resident Child Health Profile

Population Estimates

Population estimates of resident children in the selected age group and the percent this number is of the total estimated resident population. County estimates were developed by the Bureau of Health Care Analysis and Data Dissemination, Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services using inputs from the U.S. Census Bureau.

Ages 1-4

Ages 5-14

Ages 15-17

Ages 18-19


WIC Participation Ages 12-59 Months- Inclusive

Number of resident children ages 1 through 4 years participating in WIC. The rate is the percent of children (ages 1-4) participating in WIC out of all Missouri resident children ages 1 through 4 using population estimates for the specified year. WIC participation data is acquired from the WIC Certification data set.

WIC Children Ages 24 to 59 Months Obese (BMI)

Number of children ages 24 through 59 months participating in WIC and classified as obese for height. The rate is the percent of Missouri WIC certified children classified as obese out of all Missouri WIC certified children with a known status for weight and height/length. The BMI definition is taken from the NCHS/CDC 2000 growth charts and defined as a BMI equal to or greater than the 95th percentile for given age in months and gender. Records with unknown or biologically implausible heights/lengths and weights were excluded from the denominator.

Lead Testing

Lead Testing: Under Age 6

Unduplicated count of resident children 0 through 71 months of age with blood tested for lead in noted year. Rate is percent of all resident children under age 6 with blood tested for lead. All Medicaid eligible children will be blood tested for lead at age 12 and 24 months of age. It is recommended that all children (regardless of Medicaid eligibility) be tested for lead at 12 and 24 months of age. A re-evaluation of all children less than six years of age shall be made, for risk of lead poisoning at health care visits (at least annually) with a blood test administered for those found to be at risk. Lead data is acquired from the lead poisoning reporting system of the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) as authorized and established by state statute, 701.326 RSMo. Prior to June 15, 2000, the Code of State Regulations, 19CSR 2020.010, 020 and 080, required reporting of all elevated blood lead test results to the DHSS. Amendments to these regulations, as of June 15, 2000, require reporting of all blood lead tests, regardless of the age of the person or test results, to DHSS.

Blood Lead Elevations>=10 ug/dL: Under Age 6

Unduplicated count of resident children 0 through 71 months of age with elevated blood lead levels greater than or equal to 10 micrograms per deciliter in noted year. Rate is given as resident children under age 6 with elevated blood lead levels greater than or equal to 10 micrograms per deciliter as a percent of all those children under 6 tested for presence of lead in blood. Lead data acquired from the lead poisoning reporting system of the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services as authorized and established by the state statute, 701.326 RSMo. Prior to June 15, 2000, the Code of State Regulations, 19CSR 2020.010, 020 and 080, required reporting of all elevated blood lead test results to the DHSS. Amendments to these regulations, as of June 15, 2000, require reporting of all blood lead tests, regardless of the age of the person or test results, to the DHSS.

Selected Indicators Under Age 18

Under Age 18 Asthma ER Visits- See Under 18 Asthma Hospitalizations below for definition.

Under Age 18 Asthma Hospitalizations

Resident emergency room visits or hospitalizations with a primary diagnosis of asthma.

Clinical Classifications Software (CCS) Category: 128.

International Classification of Diseases (ICD-9) codes: 493.00-493.92.

Divorces Involving Children

Number of recorded divorces involving children under the age of 18 and the percent this is of all recorded divorces for given area.

Probable Cause Child Abuse/Neglect

Number of resident children under age 18 involved in probable cause incidents. Probable cause is a finding that abuse/neglect has occurred or is occurring as a result of visible signs, physical and/or credible verbal evidence provided by the child, perpetrator or witnesses. Rate is per 1,000 resident children under the age of 18 using the corresponding population estimates. Child abuse data is acquired from the Research and Evaluation Unit, Missouri Department of Social Services.

Selected Indicators Ages 1-14

Ages 1-14: Self Pay/No Charge ER Visits - See Ages 1-14 Self Pay/No Charge Hospitalizations below for definition.

Ages 1-14: Self Pay/No Charge Hospitalizations

Resident emergency department visits or hospitalizations with a principal expected pay source of self pay or no charge, for patients in the indicated age group. Rate is per 100 emergency department visits in given age group or per 100 hospitalizations in a given age group.

Injury ER Visits - See Injury Hospitalizations below for definition.

Injury Hospitalizations

Resident emergency room visits or hospitalizations with a primary diagnosis of fractures, wounds, dislocations, poisonings, or injuries due to external causes, as well as medical, drug or other complications of care. Rate is per year per 100,000 specified age population.

Clinical Classifications Software (CCS) Categories: 225-244.
International Classification of Diseases (ICD-9) codes: 716.10-716.19, 717.0-718.09, 718.30-718.39, 796.0, 799.0, 800.00-994.9, 995.1-995.2, 995.4-995.59, 995.80-999.9, V15.5, V15.6, V54.0, V64, V67.4, or V71.3-V71.6.

Deaths Ages 1-14

All Causes

The total number of resident deaths of persons age 1 through 14 at time of death.

Total Unintentional Injuries

The total number of resident deaths for which the underlying cause of death was given on the death certificate as unintentional injury or poisoning. Almost half of Missouri's unintentional injury deaths at age 1-14 are due to motor vehicle crashes. Other relatively common causes include fires and drowning.

Injuries and poisonings not included are those due to medical complications, those classified as homicide or suicide, those due to war, and those for which intent is undetermined whether accidentally or purposely inflicted.

International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) codes are V01-X59.9, Y85-Y86.9.

Motor Vehicle Accidents

The total number of resident deaths age 1-14 for which the underlying cause of death was given on the death certificate as an accident involving one or more motor vehicles.

Note: This number is not directly comparable to the number of deaths attributed to "Motor Vehicle Traffic" on the Unintentional Injury profile. The “Traffic” count is slightly smaller because it includes only those accidents which took place on a public street or highway.

International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) codes: V02 -V04.9, V09.0, V09.2, V12 -V14.9, V19.0-V19.2, V19.4-V19.6, V20 -V79.9, V80.3-V80.5, V81.0-V81.1, V82.0-V82.1, V83 -V86.9, V87.0-V87.8, V88.0-V88.8, V89.0, V89.2.

All Cancers (Malignant Neoplasms)

The total number of resident deaths age 1-14 for which the underlying cause of death was given on the death certificate as a malignant neoplasm (cancer). This includes leukemia and cancers of the brain and other organs, but excludes benign neoplasms, carcinoma in situ and neoplasms of uncertain behavior.

International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) codes C00-C97.

Birth Defects

The total number of resident deaths age 1-14 for which the underlying cause of death was given on the death certificate as a congenital malformation, deformation or chromosomal abnormality. More than half of deaths due to birth defects, however, take place before the first birthday.

 International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) codes are Q00-Q99.9.

For data on live births with birth defects diagnosed in the first year of life, see the Infant Health Profile.


Deaths of residents age 1-14 for which the underlying cause of death was given on the death certificate as assault. This means that injury was intentionally inflicted on the deceased with intent to injure or kill. Delayed effects of assault are also included.

International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) codes: ;U01-U02, X85-Y09.9, Y87.1

Heart Disease

Resident deaths at age 1-14 for which the underlying cause of death was given on the death certificate as heart disease.

International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) codes I00-I09.9, I11-I11.9, I13-I13.9, and

Selected Indicators Ages 15-19

Ages 15-19: Self Pay/No Charge ER Visits - See Ages 15-19 Self Pay/No Charge Hospitalizations below for definition.

Ages 15-19: Self Pay/No Charge Hospitalizations

Resident emergency department visits or hospitalizations with a principal expected pay source of self pay or no charge, for patients in the indicated age group. Rate is per year per 100,000 specified age population.

Injury ER Visits- See Injury Hospitalizations below for definition.

Injury Hospitalizations

Resident emergency room visits or hospitalizations with a primary diagnosis of fractures, wounds, dislocations, poisonings, or injuries due to external causes, as well as medical, drug or other complications of care. Rate is per year per 100,000 specified age population.

Clinical Classifications Software (CCS) Categories: 225-244.
International Classification of Diseases (ICD-9) codes: 716.10-716.19, 717.0-718.09, 718.30-718.39, 796.0, 799.0, 800.00-994.9, 995.1-995.2, 995.4-995.59, 995.80-999.9, V15.5, V15.6, V54.0, V64, V67.4, or V71.3-V71.6.

STDs Ages 15-19


The number of events shown in the county profile for chlamydia cases represents theresident annual number of case reports which meet the surveillance case definition in residents ages 15-19.

Cases for residents ages 15-19 are presented with the rate being per 100,000 resident ages 15-19 using corresponding population estimates.

In 1995, the Bureau of STD/HIV Prevention prioritized four sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) for surveillance and field investigation: syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Department of Health and Senior Services rules 19 CSR 20-20-.020 and 19 CSR 20-20.080 require reporting of these conditions.

Reports are received from physicians, physician assistants, nurses, hospitals, clinics and laboratories or discovered during case follow-up. Reports are usually received on the Disease Case Report (MO 580-0779) form. Most reports are routed through local and district health departments. Some reports are sent directly to the state agency. Reports are evaluated at all levels of receipt to determine if they meet the case definition before being entered into the surveillance database and to determine if follow-up or intervention is required.

The reported information is often supplemented with additional data collected by contacting the reporting source. Case reports are followed by local or Department of Health and Senior Services investigators to assure that patients receive appropriate treatment and that contacts are afforded the benefits of preventive measures and education.

Prior to 2012, STD patients were tracked in STD*MIS, standard software provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for nationwide collection and reporting of data. STD patients are now tracked in the Missouri Health Surveillance Information System (WebSurv), which is Missouri’s reportable disease surveillance data system. STD disease data are compiled and transmitted weekly to CDC via the National Electronic Telecommunications System for Surveillance (NETSS) without identifiers.

Deaths Ages 15-19

All Causes

The total number of resident deaths of persons age 15 through 19 at time of death.

Total Unintentional Injuries

The total number of resident deaths age 15-19 for which the underlying cause of death was given on the death certificate as unintentional injury or poisoning. Well over half of Missouri's unintentional injury deaths for this age group are due to motor vehicle crashes. Drug overdoses are their next most common cause of accidental death for 15-19 year olds.
Injuries and poisonings not included are those due to medical complications, those classified as homicide or suicide, those due to war, and those for which it is undetermined whether accidentally or purposely inflicted.

International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) codes V01-X59.9 and Y85-Y86.9.

Motor Vehicle Deaths

The total number of resident deaths age 15-19 for which the underlying cause of death was given on the death certificate as any accident involving one or more motor vehicles. Well over half of Missouri's unintentional injury deaths for this age group are due to motor vehicle crashes.

International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) codes: V02 -V04.9, V09.0, V09.2, V12 -V14.9, V19.0-V19.2, V19.4-V19.6, V20 -V79.9, V80.3-V80.5, V81.0-V81.1, V82.0-V82.1, V83 -V86.9, V87.0-V87.8, V88.0-V88.8, V89.0, V89.2.

Note: This number is not directly comparable to the number of deaths attributed to "Motor Vehicle Traffic" on the Unintentional Injury profile. The latter count is slightly smaller than this number because it includes only those accidents which took place on a public street or highway.


Deaths for which the deceased was intentionally assaulted or killed by another. Delayed effects of assault are also included. The vast majority of homicides (over three-quarters) to this age group are committed with handguns or unspecified firearms.

International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) codes U01-U02, X85-Y09.9, Y87.1


The total number of resident ;deaths ages 15-19 for which the underlying cause of death was given on the death certificate as suicide or intentional self-inflicted injury. Delayed effects of self-inflicted injury are also included.

International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) codes U03, X60-X84.9, Y87.0.

All Cancers (Malignant Neoplasms)

Resident deaths for which the underlying cause of death was given on the death certificate as a malignant neoplasm (cancer). This includes leukemia and cancers of the skin, brain, and other organs, but excludes benign neoplasms, carcinoma in situ and neoplasms of uncertain behavior.

International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) codes C00-C97.

Heart Disease

Resident deaths at age 15-19 for which the underlying cause of death was given on the death certificate as heart disease.

International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) codes I00-I09.9, I11-I11.9, I13-I13.9, and I20‑I51.9.